As businesses and economies are down due to COVID-19, the virtual tour industry sees a silver lining in it. Those businesses inclined with virtual tour technology sees this as a golden opportunity to increase their sales. The virtual tour restaurant industry, in particular, has seen an increase in their online bookings. Let’s find out how these businesses thrive in times of crisis.
The Data
While most businesses and restaurants have closed down during the COVID-19 outbreak, some restaurants have also prospered. According to studies, virtual tour restaurant businesses who’ve adopted virtual tour technology are still up and running. Moreover, these establishments also offer digital food order and delivery services, making it a top go-to for quarantined customers.

According to the data gathered, there’s a 23% increase in digital food orders across the world due to COVID-19 pandemic. And it’s still expected to increase as the outbreak persists. Due to travel restrictions, most customers now have more time to browse restaurants online. What better method to promote your business than having a virtual tour restaurant?
Benefits of Virtual Tour Restaurant
Now that we have this promising data, let’s dig more into statistics and determine why today is the best time to invest in a virtual tour restaurant. Let’s see how other restaurants and big businesses are benefiting from this technology. According to studies, around 45% of Domino's U.S. shares represent online and delivery orders.
After putting up a virtual tour, they noted a dramatic increase in their online bookings and reservations. UberEats also reported they’ve added additional U.S. cities to deliver Starbucks orders. Meanwhile, around 41% of U.K. consumers prefer to check out the restaurants online before they decide to visit the store physically. The same percentage also shows how the Britons prefer delivery orders than dining in.
How to Set Up a Virtual Tour Restaurant?
Setting up a virtual tour restaurant and using new technology may sound tedious and scary, but it isn’t. Here at Virtual Tours Easy, you can create your virtual tour as easy as 1,2,3!
Just take 360 images of your restaurant. Make sure to focus or highlight all the great angles in your establishment. Also, upload your delectable food menu and mouthwatering recipes.
Once you’re done uploading it on our site, just wait, sit back, and relax as the software does it magic! You can have your virtual tour restaurant in just five minutes! Sharing your virtual tour is also easier thanks to our custom-generated embed link.
You can put this link on your website, Facebook page, and other social media accounts for easier promotion. Last but not the least, you can view statistics to determine how your virtual tour did well. The statistics will help you determine what products are selling well to your customers, as well as their preferences.
The Silver Lining
There's no doubt the world is on the brink of another Recession due to the threats of COVID-19 pandemic. Flights have been canceled, international borders have closed. Most of all, most businesses have shut down. Leaving entrepreneurs filing for inevitable bankruptcy and forcing layoffs to millions of employees worldwide.
Despite these hurdles, most businesses in the virtual tour industry see this as a challenge and an opportunity. An opportunity to change our business model and utilize technology to make innovative solutions.
Most virtual tour restaurant believes virtual reality may be the key to changing the future. According to them, virtual tours can easily adapt to the abrupt changes brought by this pandemic.